Home operation at St Augusta, MN.
Home Station

TS-590SG, IC-7300.

St Augusta, MN.

Antennas are G5RV, 40 meter folded dipole and 6BTV.

QRP operation in a local park.
River's Edge Park, Waite Park, MN

Antenna is usually a 65 ft piece of old speaker wire thrown in a tree with a 35ft counterpoise


Amateur radio is a great hobby. My interests include QRP operating, wire antenna construction and POTA. My rigs include a Kenwood TS-590SG, TS-480sat, IC-7300 and a couple QRP portable radios. Also TH-F6A and the TM-281A. I like CW and have been back at it for several years.

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Straight Key Century Club

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All About the Telegraph and Deciphering Morse Code Text - A contribution from someone who was helped by the CW links on this page. Thanks!

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